469 Dundas St West, Trenton, ON

PhysioWell Health Solutions Osteopathic Treatment on Back image

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a manual (hands on) therapy that aims to restore balance in all systems of the body.  Osteopathic Professionals understand that the human body has an innate ability to self heal. Our philosophy emphasizes the important relationship between the structure and function of our tissues. When systems, structures, and tissues are healthy, the body can heal and function can be restored.

What does a Manual Osteopath do?

What separates an Osteopathic Practitioner from other manual therapists is their highly developed and instinctive palpation skills. They have an elite ability to detect subtle, almost imperceptible motion and minute changes in body tissues (even organs). Intuitive palpation is not a gift, it is a trained skill and developed through experience.

A manual Osteopathic practitioner uses these highly developed palpation skills to assess, diagnose and treat all systems of the body.  Osteopathy aims at treating not only soft tissues such as fascia, muscles, and joints, but also nerves, vessels, organs and even cranial dysfunctions. Often the finest motions and slightest changes to tissue can be the cause of your pain. Your Osteopath is trained to find these areas and guide them to optimal positions of healing.

What are the Benefits of an Osteopathic Treatment?

Osteopathic Treatment can help to:

  • Remove the underlying cause of pain
  • Reduce pain and stiffness
  • Increase mobility
  • Postural problems
  • Assist with sleep cycles and the nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic symptoms